Adèle’s Blog

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Success Breeds Success – Tip #1

Success breeds Success Tip #1: Carpe Diem… and DREAM™

Continuing with my “Success Breeds Success” blog series, remember there are 7 Obsessions that Super Successful People have, whether they are super successful in business, sport or life.  They are:

  1. Sense of Purpose
  2. Self Belief
  3. Serving Others
  4. Supreme Excellence
  5. Self Discipline
  6. Sacrosanct Priorities (there are 5 of them)
  7. Self Improvement

The first of the 7 Obsessions to consider is Sense of Purpose.

All over the world, many people have a dream, a deep feeling that they are meant to make a difference somewhere and to someone, whether that be at a macro level (around the world) or more modestly, at the micro level – closer to home base.  That dream represents our desires for our life.

But what happens to the dream?  Life gets full.  Often the dream gets forgotten in the busy-ness of everyday life.  And with that, often those dreams are not achieved.  They are shelved for another time.

So what does having a ‘sense of purpose’ actually means?  Sense of purpose means having complete clarity of and ownership towards what it is we want to be and have in life.  It is about having such a strong emotional connection to our sense of purpose that we can’t let it go.  It is being unafraid to envision what our life might look like; what we might achieve in it; who we might serve; how wealthy we might be; our level of health, wellbeing and fitness; our community connections and more.  It is about having a yearning so strong that it is personally captivating and distracting – that we can’t think of anything else but to realise that sense of purpose.  In action a sense of purpose is about having a laser like focus on achieving the vision for life.

It is about having a DREAM™DREAM™ for me means: our Destiny Represented Evocatively, Actively and Magnetically™.  TO DREAM™ is to visualise what we want out of life – personally and professionally, regardless of how silly and grandiose those thoughts and ideas might feel in the moment.

The world is filled with very successful people.  Think about those whom you know or know of. It didn’t just happen that they were successful; they created their DREAM™, and notwithstanding the challenges, uncertainties and failures, they went for it; they became laser focused and created massive action, massive momentum towards the achievement of their DREAM™.

Robert Schuller said, “If it is going to be, it is up to me”.  In the first instance, it is our personal responsibility to decide what it is we want in life.  It is our responsibility to create the DREAM™ that matters to us.  Later, it takes a community and collaboration to make the DREAM™ a reality.

Our DREAM™ only becomes our reality if we have total emotional connection to it; if we understand WHY we want to achieve it.  Will we move heaven and earth to achieve our DREAM?  Will we keep going when the going gets tough?  Will we stand up again when we fall?  Will we push through the hard times, the failures, knowing that in doing so, we are a step closer to achieving our DREAM™?

What’s your DREAM™?  Do you have one?  If you haven’t, take time out to DREAM™.  Imagine something BIG, an insanely big one.  Achieving your DREAM™ is not your focus yet.  Just create it.  Are you delirious with excitement about it?  If not, I can almost guarantee that you won’t achieve it.  I like to use these headings when creating and updating my DREAM™.  Perhaps they are helpful for you too.

  • Business/Career
  • Personal Financial Freedom
  • Health, Fitness, Wellbeing
  • Relationships – love, family and friends
  • Spirituality – whatever that means for you
  • Community – contributing to others
  • Recreation and ‘Reckless Abandon’ – the things you want to have and do.

Carpe Diem and DREAM™... dream big and beautiful.  Make your DREAM™ matter to you.  Have fun and laughter.  Be joyful and excited. Be brave and grateful.  The work on achieving your DREAM™ starts tomorrow.

Success Breeds Success! Focus on achieving your own success and along the way, pay it forward and help someone else create and achieve their DREAM™.  Doesn’t that sound like a wonderful thing to do?


Would you like to be part of my success community?  Each week I interview successful people and ‘subject matter experts’ on topics related to success. Join us and be inspired towards achieving your own successful life.  Here’s the link to join us.  I look forward to welcoming you to my community of people who are creating success in their lives – as they define it!


Could some guidance from me be helpful to you?  If so, please arrange a free 30 mins Skype strategy meeting with me.  Here’s my calendar to book a meeting.  I’d love to support you in some way to gain ‘seductive clarity’ in any aspect of your business or life.


Other articles on What Creates Success in Business and Life:

Success Breeds Success!
Success Secrets of Successful People
Adèle in a Nutshell – ‘To Give is to Live’
Reflect, Smile and Smell the Christmas Lilies!
The Beauty of the Last Hours in Life
What’s Stopping You?  FEAR?
Savour the Journey
What’s all this Gratitude ‘stuff’?
The 7 Traits of High Achievers
What’s Your Excuse? No Arms? No Legs?

