‘To Give Is To Live’ – that has always been my personal motto in life….
Adèle McLay
Creating Mega Performance Entrepreneurs

“To Give Is To Live” is back– Thursday, 29 January 2015.
You may recall that for one day per month, I open my diary to business owners/entrepreneurs around the world, inviting them to have a FREE 30 mins Skype call with me, to discuss any business challenges, issues, opportunities that are coming their way.
I offer you my +20 years of business experience working with large and small businesses around the world. I will give you any tips and guidance you need to make 2015 your best year yet in business. Get in quick as the appointments book out fast. Click here for the booking link.
“To Give Is To Live” is one of my community contributions in 2015. But, you are probably asking: “Are there any strings attached?” The answer is: No; there are no strings attached! It is a ‘give’ from me… each month in 2015.
To accommodate as many time zones as possible, on Thursday, 29 January I will start taking Skype calls at 06.00 (GMT) and the last appointment will be at 19.30 (GMT). Click here for the booking link.
What are your burning questions or issues that I could help you with? Need a second and independent opinion on something? Make a list and throw them at me. I will do my very best to guide you.
Remember, for us to confirm your appointment, you MUST include your Skype address in your booking request. Appointments will be confirmed on a first come, first served basis.
Each month, I feel like I travel the world as to date I have spoken to experienced and budding business owners/entrepreneurs in: England, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Mexico, Germany, America, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, New Zealand, Australia.
Here’s a summary of the business issues, challenges and opportunities I advised on so far:
• Commercialising a new product range.
• Reviewing a business plan.
• Providing strategies to scale-up businesses to the next level of growth.
• Developing online and offline marketing strategies, and segmenting customers.
• Developing the personal brand of an entrepreneur to be seen as an authority in their industry.
• Developing business development and deal closing strategies for a start-up entrepreneur.
• Finding investment/equity partners for a substantial international business.
• Developing pricing strategies.
• Providing advice on solving business cash flow issues.
• Developing an business exit strategy for an entrepreneur.
• Providing leadership advice for a business about to massively expand.
• Life coaching for an entrepreneur wanting to change direction.
• Career coaching for an employee who wants to develop further in their area of expertise.
How can I help you?
Remember to book your appointment now via the booking link so you don’t miss out.
Also, please remember, for us to confirm your appointment, you MUST include your Skype address in your booking request.
I look forward to the possibility of speaking to you next week, and to supporting your business and/or personal success in 2015.
Best wishes
Adèle McLay