Adèle’s Blog

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Thriving Within the Juggling Act

As entrepreneurs and business owners we juggle a lot of balls all at once. We have our work commitments – growing our businesses, ensuring our customers are happy, providing meaningful and fulfilling work for our team, working with suppliers…. and so the list of work goes on.

Then there’s life… family time, partner time, ‘me time’ (if we’re lucky), friends, jobs around the house, health and fitness… you get the drift, the list is long.

Would you agree that it’s really easy to get bogged down or overwhelmed in the busy-ness of life and business? The juggling act can be a challenge regardless of how good a delegator we are.

I’m particularly busy at present with several new businesses in the throes of being established, two books being written and edited, coaching clients… and then there are the other things I want to spend time doing. Family time is especially important to me, as is exercise and learning time – I love learning, and I also need to create time for what I call ‘Soulful Vitality’ – don’t worry, it’s not ‘woo-woo’ stuff!

So what’s Soulful Vitality?

Soulful Vitality is a range of things but it’s mostly it’s about savouring ourselves and being anything and everything we want to be in this life. I bring my own Soulful Vitality to life each day in a number of ways, so here’s a few of them.

For starters, I am up and out power walking by 6am each morning for one hour. In that hour of ‘me time’ I will only think about the wonderful things in my life.

I begin by thinking about all that I am grateful for in life – the big and the small things – great health, very happy marriage, wonderful daughter and stepson, wonderful friends (new and old), the beautiful park I walk in, the trees, the blue sky and sun (when they appear), and so my daily list goes on.

I also think about the vision I’ve created for my life and the short and long term goals I am working on towards the achievement of my vision. There’s nothing like visualising that big vision/dream each day to keep it alive and real in my mind, regardless of how near or far I am from achieving its various elements. Thinking about my vision certainly speeds up my power walking each day, which is great for getting my heart rate up, so there’s a double benefit – a bit of exercise.

I choose happiness as a state to live in each day. Yes, like everyone I have my moments, but the essence of my being is that I am happy. I’m happy within the ups and downs of life as I treat each of the things that happen as opportunities for learning, lessons and experiences. You see, I also believe that whatever happens to us, it was meant to happen as there is something that we should be taking from that experience – no matter how hard, damaging or sad that experience is. So as you might expect, during my walk, I just revel in the state of happiness and reflect on the lessons I learn each day on my life journey.

You might be thinking that happiness is the same as gratitude. Well for some it is, but for me, they are separate but tightly connected to each other.

Finally on my walk I think about the ways I can be more generous each day as generosity is one of my core values. Generosity is not just about giving money away, it’s about giving of oneself – giving our heart and soul to others, giving our knowledge, our skills, our ideas, our love, our friendship. While some days I feel really generous, other days I can improve and so I am constantly developing that part of me.

By the time I get home one hour later, I’ve had exercise and fresh air, and I’m well and truly ready to start work. I’m also feeling totally energised after having some ‘me time’ so the juggling act seems more manageable! In fact most days it’s really easy as everything I am juggling is connected to my vision so it all feels worthwhile (so long as I delegate the parts that are best done by others).

ACTION: How about including some ‘me time’ into your day for reflection, visioning, gratitude, and generosity? And don’t forget to think about happiness as a state to live within each day. It’s life changing, I promise.


Could some guidance from me be helpful to you?  If so, please arrange a free 30 mins Skype strategy meeting with me.  Here’s my calendar to book a meeting.  I’d love to support you in some way to gain ‘seductive clarity’ in any aspect of your business or life.


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What Makes Great Entrepreneurial Leaders?

