What’s Stopping You? FEAR?
Even with the greatest will in the world, the most exciting plans in place, the kindest and most generous support network, at times we all experience the sensation of fear.
We are human! Fear is one of those things that can get us at the oddest of times. Things are going well, then wham, fear hits and stops us in our tracks.
- Fear of others
- Fear of not having enough money
- Fear of failure
- Fear of time – not having enough of it
- Fear of rejection
- Fear of loss
- Fear of the unknown
- …and, in my opinion, the biggest and saddest fear of all …. the fear of regret!
Do you recognise any of those fears?
Fear is a response to a physical or emotional worry. Fear is a natural response to uncertainty and change.
At times, fear is intuitive, meaning we can’t explain it. But if we explore it, fear can keep us safe.
Sadly, fear can also be debilitating, life limiting and success sucking!
The thing is, no-one is immune to the emotion of fear. Ask the biggest achiever or the most confident person you know.
Does fear sometimes hit them in the face? The answer will be a definite YES!
Fear often raises its head when we are about to scale new heights in our lives and/or in business. When we are ready to put our big plans and goals into play, fear has a way of attempting to stall or halt us. Ever experienced that? I certainly have.
A number of my clients are about to scale new and exciting heights in their businesses and lives, and fear has crept in. Here’s a quick summary of some of what we have been doing together to say ‘thank you and adios’ to fear.

Acknowledge the pain and thank your internal self for bringing fear to your attention. List all the pain and fear that you are feeling; there’s no point hiding from or bottling it.
Remain curious and explore the fear. Have you ever thought about why you might be experiencing the fear? What life experiences have contributed to the fear? When does it hit? What are you thinking about when you feel fearful? Again, make a list.
Think of the potential pleasure and successes you will miss if you succumb to the fear, remain the same, and take no action. List them.
Change your physiology as certain foods and liquids we consume (sugar, additives, sweeteners, chemicals, and wheat based diets) can have a powerful and negative effect on our body and our moods, contributing to how we are feeling. Eat ‘clean green’ foods. Get some exercise and breathe. You will feel better, I promise.
Be grateful and think about all the wonderful things you have in your life. Then tip the fear on its head. For instance, if you are frightened about the upcoming presentation you have to do as part of a sales pitch to win a new piece of work, be grateful that your business is so good that you have the opportunity to pitch for this new work, and upon winning and completing it, your business success will be heightened. Gratitude is a wonderful elixir in life.
Get a new perspective on life. Sadly, we are conditioned to focus on the negative. Put fear into perspective. Are you making a big deal out of nothing? Start thinking positively.
Take massive action and do something. I love the quote: Feel the fear and do it anyway and the death of that fear will be certain. Says it all really, don’t you think?
Finally, while the above list is not exhaustive, it’s a good start. If you find fear is holding you back from having the business and life you want, then I strongly advise you to talk to someone to get the fear out of your head and into the ‘airwaves’ and you will feel better in doing so. Talking it through is positive and helpful.
Let’s start a conversation. What tools and tactics have you used to overcome fear? I’d love to know. How about leaving a comment below?
Could some guidance from me be helpful to you? If so, please arrange a free 30 mins Skype strategy meeting with me. Here’s my calendar to book a meeting. I’d love to support you in some way to gain ‘seductive clarity’ in any aspect of your business or life.
Other articles on What Creates Success in Business and Life:
Success Breeds Success!
Success Secrets of Successful People
Adèle in a Nutshell – ‘To Give is to Live’
Reflect, Smile and Smell the Christmas Lilies!
The Beauty of the Last Hours in Life
Success Breeds Success – Tip #1
What’s all this Gratitude ‘stuff’?
Savour the Journey
The 7 Traits of High Achievers
What’s Your Excuse? No Arms? No Legs?