What is Personal Branding?

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Many of us know what branding means when it comes to company or business branding.  But what about personal branding?

“What’s that?” you might ask.  You might also say, “personal branding is for the ‘big-wigs’ of business – people like Bill Gates, Oprah, Jamie Oliver”.  Or you might think that personal branding is for celebrities and sports stars.

You’d be right in thinking all that, but in business and entrepreneurship, as scary or as challenging as it might seem, we must embrace the idea of being a personal brand ourselves.

That doesn’t mean we need to aim for global domination or celebrity status.  To the contrary!  Personal branding is about YOU – and connecting you to the niche market you want to attract.

People buy from people, so personal branding is about you being you – your style, your signature image or look, your unique voice, your story, your experience and knowledge….packaged together in a consistent and recognisable way on a range of marketing platforms so that you get noticed.

Over time people will come to know, like and trust you.  Eventually they may buy from you too, and/or refer you to others. Remember, you and your personal brand won’t be liked by everyone.  Be yourself and there will be loads of others who do like and want to follow you.

So, whether you’re a consultant, freelancer, entrepreneur, business owner, or company executive, get focused on your personal brand.

If you’d like to learn more about how you can create your own personal brand so you stand out in your market as the ‘go-to’ person and the expert in your niche, please click here to receive my FREE e-book on the 7+1 Ps of Personal Branding.

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