Posts Categorized: Success in Business & Life

Savour the Journey

Vision clear? Check!

Goals sorted? Check!

Belief nailed?…. I can do this! Check!

The journey has begun towards achieving something great or important. It’s so exciting.

Know that feeling? It can happen at any time when a goal is set towards achieving something meaningful to us.

The journey starts off well – with a hiss and a roar and often at speed – because we are highly motivated towards achieving the end result. The goal. It’s still exciting.

The road appears straight; an easy ride to the end. Excellent! This will be a ‘walk in the park’ to achieve.

Eeekkk. What’s happened? There are twists and turns in the road. More twists and turns. Oh no, I feel a bit carsick. I don’t have a bucket or plastic bag. It wasn’t meant to be like this….

…and OMG, there’s a big hill coming up! I wonder what’s around the corner after that?

I’m not enjoying this journey. It is getting a bit too hard. Is the destination worth it?

Sound familiar?

The journey towards achieving almost everything we want in business and life is never a straight line or an easy ride. There will always be twists and turns and unexpected stops, starts, and possibly, u-turns. That’s life.

I truly believe we are supposed to savour the journey towards achievement of the goal. The essence of the experience, the learning, is in the journey and not the destination.

Savour the journey! That might sound disingenuous… some journeys in life (and business) are really, really difficult. I totally agree, and I have had many VERY hard journeys in my life and business, like everyone else.

It seems that we want everything fast and furious in today’s world. We want it all now and without too much effort – well, certainly our children do, in my experience.

Yet, not so long ago, it wasn’t like that! Not so long ago, we accepted that the journey would be a challenge, a struggle worth having, as that is what all the stories were about… the struggle towards achieving something important or great.

Have we forgotten that overcoming the struggle and completing the journey is THE key part of the achievement?

If everything in life was easy, life would be homogeneous and boring. The struggle and the journey is what gives life colour, excitement, and variety.

In my opinion, the struggle and the journey is what we fondly remember, long after the goal has been achieved. It makes the achievement of the goal more precious.

The journey is what we fondly remember

Think about it. After the storm has passed and the journey is over, have you had amazing learnings, lessons and experiences that, in a funny old way, are integral to who you are today? I certainly have. It’s often those lessons and experiences that propel us onto the next journey with all its winding roads, hills, and mountains to climb.

So I say, savour the journey. But we don’t have to go it alone. We can ask for help. We can seek guidance. We can receive the roadmap from others who have gone on the journey before us. Still, we may choose to take a different road, even with a roadmap; it is our journey, so we can do it our way.

The result is our vision, our goals, our beliefs, our journeys, our successes, our failures… are our own life learnings, lessons and experiences in all their uniqueness. They are integral to who we are and who we become over time.

I don’t know about you, but those thoughts alone constantly propel me to go on journey after journey after journey…. treasuring each one.

I’d love to hear of your journeys and the struggles along the way. How about leaving a comment below so we can start a conversation on this topic?


Could some guidance from me be helpful to you?  If so, please arrange a free 30 mins Skype strategy meeting with me.  Here’s my calendar to book a meeting.  I’d love to support you in some way to gain ‘seductive clarity’ in any aspect of your business or life.


Other articles on What Creates Success in Business and Life:

Success Breeds Success!
Success Secrets of Successful People
Adèle in a Nutshell – ‘To Give is to Live’
Reflect, Smile and Smell the Christmas Lilies!
The Beauty of the Last Hours in Life
Success Breeds Success – Tip #1
What’s all this Gratitude ‘stuff’?
What’s Stopping You?  FEAR?
The 7 Traits of High Achievers
What’s Your Excuse? No Arms? No Legs?

What’s all this Gratitude ‘stuff’?

The computer’s broken down….

That client is a nightmare….

The kids are being demanding….

There’s not enough business coming through the door….

The weather is rubbish….

The team isn’t performing….

It’s really easy to get caught up in life, right? And boy, the frustrations of life can so easily take our vitality away.

Yep, I get that. I get that life happens and some days can be really hard going. And, there will be times when life is really, really tough.

Personally, I believe that things happen for a reason and that often they are a reflection, a mirror of what is happening within us. Yes, that’s deep and meaningful, and a topic for another blog (maybe). 🙂

Yet I also know that if we lift ourselves up from the frustration and sadness, and focus on gratitude ─ simply being grateful for all that we are and have ─ then life and our vitality for it changes in a heartbeat.

So what is gratitude? Put simply, it’s “the feeling of being thankful and appreciative”. It’s about taking a moment in time to reflect on all that is good; all that is beautiful; all that is abundant.

For me, gratitude is something I practise every day as I pound the pavement on my daily 6am power walks. During those walks, which is sacrosanct ‘me time’, I only think about the vision I have for my life, my goals, and all that I am grateful for.

Gratitude is being thankful for the big things and the smallest of things. It’s being thankful for the day, the clean air, the beauty and joy of life and living.

For me, it’s also being thankful for my wonderful family, my friends, my supportive team, my clients, my mentors, my coaches, my health and fitness, my successes, my failures (as they are learning opportunities), my love of learning, my desire and ability to travel and experience the world, our lovely home, our neighbours…

The list of things I am grateful for is endless.

Reliable research demonstrates that by experiencing the emotion of gratitude there is a positive impact on one’s mental and emotional state. Quite simply, we become happier… just because. Certainly that’s how being grateful impacts me. I am unconditionally happy and I love living my life that way.

Happiness is not dependent on income, achievement, health and fitness, or social status. It is a state of being regardless of all that. And research also shows that some of the happiest people on earth actually have the least and live in the most difficult of situations… go figure that!

In being grateful and happy, we attract more. We attract more prosperity and success in its widest definition.

We attract people as we are good to be around and they are energised by our enthusiasm.

Gratitude in business is critical. Our clients want to ‘feel’ that we are grateful for their business. If we are and they ‘feel’ it, then they are likely to become loyal and supportive; they become our cheerleaders. Team members ─ be they employees, outsourced team members or collaborators ─ will be more supportive of us if they feel that as people they are valued as well their contributions.

Glorious gratitude is like a muscle that needs to be worked on to improve it. It takes time and ongoing practice for it to be better and easier to do. The rewards are phenomenal though. Once worked on, the glorious gratitude muscle will simply kick in most of time in life, even during the hardest of times.

In teaching this technique to my clients, I am delighted to acknowledge that gratitude is forming a key part of their days; they are also happier and are achieving more success in their businesses and lives. Fantastic!!

Today, 31 March, is the shared birthday of my mother and mother in-law. Had they not succumbed to early deaths due to ill health, my mother would have been 76 years today and my mother in-law 81 years. While our families sit in quiet reflection today, there is much to be grateful for in the lives these important women led, all that they lived for, and all that they left as legacies to our family and friends who adored them. I honoured them both this morning by being even more grateful on my daily power walk, and I feel great. So, today is still a happy day for me.

I’d love to hear your own experiences with glorious gratitude and how it has positively impacted your life.  Leave a comment below and share your gratitude stories.

Finally, how about tweeting about gratitude?  Thank you in advance if it feels right for you to tweet this.  Adèle x


Gratitude is the feeling of being thankful and appreciative -v2

Could some guidance from me be helpful to you?  If so, please arrange a free 30 mins Skype strategy meeting with me.  Here’s my calendar to book a meeting.  I’d love to support you in some way to gain ‘seductive clarity’ in any aspect of your business or life.


Other articles on What Creates Success in Business and Life:

Success Breeds Success!
Success Secrets of Successful People
Adèle in a Nutshell – ‘To Give is to Live’
Reflect, Smile and Smell the Christmas Lilies!
The Beauty of the Last Hours in Life
Success Breeds Success – Tip #1
What’s Stopping You?  FEAR?
Savour the Journey
The 7 Traits of High Achievers
What’s Your Excuse? No Arms? No Legs?

Let’s Change Our World!

I love this quote by Somerset Maugham, “It’s a funny thing about life, if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it.”

The funny thing is, so many people like you and me have lived that quote. You see, they have taken life by the horns and twisted and turned it; they have disrupted it… and made life better or the best for themselves and very often for others.

When we are growing up, the world and life is this big ‘thing’ we don’t understand. While we are young, life and circumstances seem to control us. We are told to “fit in” or that “this is the way life is” or “just get on with it”. Sound familiar?

But life can be so much more. Recently I listened to an interview Steve Jobs gave in 1995 where he said, “Everything around you that you call life was made up by people who were no smarter than you… and you can change it. You can influence it. You can build your own things that other people can use….”

Think about the people whom you admire in your world. How have they twisted and turned life to make it better or the best for themselves, others and you?

I admire Mother Teresa and her work where she provided shelter for the sick, the dying and the poor.

I admire my friend Bice Awan for the tireless work she did in establishing the amazing social enterprise, Skylight New Zealand, which provides resources for those who are dealing with loss, grief and trauma.

I admire people like Steve Jobs and Bill Gates who have changed the way in which the world works in relation to technology.

I admire many, many other people around the world whose work, vision and passion through the centuries have changed the world in positive ways.

Closer to home, I admire my mother who unexpectedly died in October 2014. After her passing, so many people told me that mum had taught them to love unconditionally. Mum’s motto was that she was “here to love”. Mum had a major impact on many people in her community. She made her world a better place.

Making life better doesn’t have to be monumental. It doesn’t have to be world changing. It doesn’t have to be massively disrupting. But it can be life changing for someone.

We all have the ability and capacity to change the world; to make a difference; to make an impact on someone’s life.

Right now, there are lots of problems in the world. Communities have broken down. We have become intolerant of each other. Often we don’t know or like our neighbours. We are frightened of others. We are ignorant of others.

And there are inventions still to be envisaged and created… our world will continue to massively change in all manner of ways due to the brilliance of ordinary, deep thinking, disruptive people.

Change starts with one person. You can make a difference. I can make a difference. Together, let’s make a difference. Let’s change our world and make it a better place or the best place.

Do you have something that you are passionate about? Do you have a burning desire to pursue something over and above your daily routine? Perhaps you would like to change your daily routine to enable you to pursue your passion?

I am very excited that I have a social enterprise initiative I am beginning to pursue that sits alongside my business and high performance coaching work, and hopefully will make a difference to someone somewhere in the world. It will launch later this year. Will it change our world? Who knows! I just hope it will be impactful on someone.

Anyone and everyone can take life by the horns and twist and turn it, live it, change it, leave a mark on it.

Will you?

What will your legacy be? How will you be remembered when your time is up?

I would love to hear from you and the ideas you have to make your world or our world a better, more beautiful place. Or the best place!

ACTION: Did this resonate with you? If so, I would be delighted and very appreciative if you shared it on your social media using the links below.  Also, let me know your thoughts in the comments box below.  Let’s get the conversation going on how we can all change the world.


Could some guidance from me be helpful to you?  If so, please arrange a free 30 mins Skype strategy meeting with me.  Here’s my calendar to book a meeting.  I’d love to support you in some way to gain ‘seductive clarity’ in any aspect of your business or life.


Other Inspirational Success Stories

Meet George
A Long and Happy Life – the Secrets?
‘Luck of the Irish’ – Do You Have It?
Life & Success:  What’s It All About?

“Luck of the Irish” – Do You Have It?

I love the quote: “The harder I work, the luckier I get.”

Do you believe in luck? Does luck play a part in our success – however we define success?


We all have luck in equal measures every day, so long as we take advantage of it when it comes our way. That is the only difference between lucky and unlucky people.

What is luck? I believe we create our own luck by having a laser like focus on the principles of L.U.C.K. which are:

L – Luminous Belief
U – Unbridled Learning
C – Cultivating Opportunity
K – Keen Action

Luminous Belief
We can all have the success we want – however we define it – if we want it enough, and if we believe with all our heart that we can and will achieve it. Our mind/brain is a muscle that can be trained towards achieving everything we desire in life. It just takes practice, a bit like working out at a gym. At first lifting a 10kg weight with one arm might be heavy, but with practice, it becomes easy.

It is the same with belief. At first, often it is hard to believe that all we want to achieve is possible, but over time, with a few successes under our belts, the mind muscle gets more used to it, and belief becomes natural and easy.

Luminous belief is critical to being lucky. Belief is the beginning of attracting luck.

Unbridled Learning
To be lucky we need to be prepared for it when it comes our way. We need to be constantly developing our knowledge and resources to support luck. If we leave school and believe that is the end of learning, then we are doomed. As Jim Rohn says: “Formal education will make you a living; self-education will earn you a fortune”.

What is it that you want from life? If it is that important to you, then keep on learning and developing our skills. Immerse yourself in the learning towards the achievement of your goals, and one day they will be achieved. Magic!

Cultivating Opportunity
To be lucky, we need to cultivate opportunities. That means we need to be growing our network, building relationships, seeking out new possibilities, and responding when new and unexpected opportunities come our way.

Opportunities and luck often appear in disguise. It is only when we are open to suggestion and have prepared for that fortuitous moment when we are presented with something new and different that luck beckons… even if it is not obvious in that moment.

Keen Action
To be lucky, we must take action. “Nothing comes from doing nothing” ~ William Shakespeare. When opportunities come our way, we must be prepared to do something; we need to work them. It is only in the toil that outcomes appear, and the magic of being lucky arrives.
Want to learn more about L.U.C.K?
I’d love to teach you more about being lucky and the Principles of L.U.C.K. Join me at one of my upcoming free webinars on high performance and success where you will learn what separates the lucky from the unlucky, the successful from the unsuccessful – in business and in life.

I have been studying this fascinating topic for over 25 years, and many of my clients are currently experiencing massive shifts in their personal performance at work and in life in light of implementing the tools I have been teaching them.

Please click one of the links now to book your place at one of the free webinars.
Thursday, 19 March – 14.00-15.00GMT
Thursday, 19 March – 20.00-21.00GMT
Monday, 23 March – 7.00-8.00GMT
Monday, 23 March – 20.00-21.00GMT

Oh, by the way, Happy St Patrick’s Day! I wish you a lifetime of L.U.C.K.

Other Inspirational Success Stories

Meet George
A Long and Happy Life – the Secrets?
Life & Success:  What’s It All About?
Let’s Change Our World!

Life and Success: What’s It All About?

Wow, doesn’t time fly when you’re having fun? Recently I realised that for over 25 years I have been studying high performance in business and life, asking the age old questions: “What is success?” and “What causes people to achieve mega success in life?”… however one defines success.

During that time, my own opinions of what success is have evolved. Once upon a time I thought success was all about how much money was in the bank, or the level of success one achieved in their career or in entrepreneurship and business.

What about you, how do you define success?

Through the media we celebrate what I call ‘one dimensional success’, where we put people on pedestals when they have plenty of money, business/career/sporting success, and/or celebrity. Sadly, that has a cascading effect into society at large, leaving many people to think they are not successful unless they achieve at that level too. It also has an impact on our children, as in my experience, they are wanting immediate success, often through celebrity. Grrrr.

Throughout my coaching and consulting career, I have coached ‘one dimensional’ mega achievers. Sadly, very often other important elements of their lives are missing in the quest for success as they defined it at the time. Often they sacrificed relationships with family and friends, health and wellbeing…. and more.

As I mentioned, my thinking has totally evolved around what success is. Now, the people whom I respect around the world for being successful have, in my opinion, achieved a more ‘holistic’ success.

Last year I created the Human Heptagram of Hopes™ which links into my Mega Performance Framework and Mega Entrepreneur Programme – the models that I created and use when coaching people for success in business and life.

I truly believe that over a lifetime, we as living, breathing, thinking and feeling souls, are actually seeking success within the seven areas of the Human Heptagram of Hopes™. The seven areas are:

  1. Wellbeing
  2. Growth
  3. Achievement
  4. Relationships
  5. Experience
  6. Spirituality
  7. Legacy

…and we can break down those seven areas into what I call the 21 Paramount Ps.

Human Heptagram of Hopes and 21 Paramount Ps with AMM logo

Let me briefly explain:

1.  Wellbeing
To achieve Wellbeing Success, we seek:

  • Physiology – the basics of life in order to function, including: food, water, sustenance, sleep.
  • Physique – health and fitness. Good health is different from fitness, and both are important.
  • Protection – the comforts of home, including: safety, shelter and warmth.

2.  Growth
To achieve Growth Success, we seek:

  • Productivity – work that is an expression of ourselves; creating and learning and producing.
  • Pain – failures, while difficult, are a tool for learning, development and progression.
  • Patience – great things come with time, and we all need to learn that.

3.  Achievement
To achieve Achievement Success, we seek:

  • Prosperity – financial and business/career success – however we personally define it.
  • Prestige – recognition of our achievements and the development of our human ego.
  • Persuasion – feeling important and relevant to others.

4.  Relationships
To achieve Relationship Success, we seek:

  • People – friendships, community, belonging, family, partnerships/collaborations.
  • Passion – sex, intimacy, love.
  • Promise – a strong values system that supports the foundations of trust, respect, truth, and honesty in our relationships.

5.  Experiences
To achieve Experience Success, we seek:

  • Play – ‘recreation and reckless abandon’ – to have and experience ‘things’; adventure.
  • Pleasure – joy, happiness, time for self.
  • Privilege – to feel important and advantaged – however we personally define that.

6.  Spirituality
To achieve Spirituality Success, we seek:

  • Perspective – to learn and feel comfortable with introspection; developing inner peacefulness.
  • Psyche – connecting one’s mind, soul and spirit, and having a strong belief system.
  • Purpose – developing understanding and clarity for one’s raison d’étre in life.

7.  Legacy
To achieve Legacy Success (regardless of how big or small that is), we seek:

  • Potential – recognising our personal potential to be, to give and to do more.
  • Possibility – responding to our potential, and achieving more; self-actualisation.
  • Plaudits – receiving public acknowledgement for our giving.

I am passionate about this topic of success in life (and business).

What are your thoughts? Have I missed out any Paramount Ps?

This is the topic of the book I am currently writing that is due for release later this year…. to say I am excited about it, is an understatement. 🙂

Here are a couple of ‘celebs’ who have taken my Paramount Ps a little too far… 🙂


Paragliding Prima-Donna







Prize Prat







Could some guidance from me be helpful to you?  If so, please arrange a free 30 mins Skype strategy meeting with me.  Here’s my calendar to book a meeting.  I’d love to support you in some way to gain ‘seductive clarity’ in any aspect of your business or life.


Other Inspirational Success Stories

Meet George
A Long and Happy Life – the Secrets?
Let’s Change Our World!
‘Luck of the Irish’ – Do You Have Have It?

A Long and Happy Life – the Secrets?

Meet George. He is a relative of mine (by marriage – his wife and my grandmother were cousins), and he is 101 years this week – 12 February 2015 to be exact.

He is my hero; my role model for living a healthy, adventurous and engaged life. A long and happy life; a successful life! I plan to enjoy sizzling health, vitality, relevance and wellbeing at +101 years too. Do you?

So what are the secrets to a long and happy life? What are the secrets to a successful life? Interestingly in many respects, George’s life mirrors the seven elements of my Mega/High Performance Coaching Framework (for life and business)… for a magical happening life.

1.  Soulful Vitality
George oozes energy and enthusiasm for life at every moment. George has always taken care of his health, wellness and fitness. Even at 101 years he still exercises every day; he has always been a very keen power walker and sportsman – playing outdoor bowls until well into his 90s. George also eats healthily, maintains a good weight, and alcohol is not something that he partakes of in any major way – although he does like a wee dram from time to time. George has learnt the art of introspection over the years – something we could all benefit from. George is also a spiritual man, and he nurtures this aspect of his life. George is a giver in all aspects of life; he is a generous man. He also lives in a constant state of gratitude for all that he is and has. He counts his blessings every day. He sees the joy in life, constantly.

2.  Seductive Clarity
George and his wife, Anne, had interlinked clarity on how they wanted their life to be. They had a wonderful life – they were the centre of each other’s worlds, and they knew what was important for them in their lives. Together and with their children, they travelled the world; they explored. George has always believed that travel is an important component of one’s ongoing education. Sadly, Anne passed away almost 30 years ago. In later life, George has found friendship with Mary, and together they have a wonderful, loving and adventurous life.

3.  Sensational Mindset
George has always understood the importance of mindset and belief patterns. Like everyone else he has had many challenges and issues in life – relationships, death, business, money, health and more – but he has always bounced back; he’s always regained perspective and a zest for life – his life. I can’t remember a time in my life with George when he wasn’t the positive man that he remains today.

4.  Steadfast Focus
George has been witness to many world and life changing events over his lifetime. He knows how life can change in a heartbeat, and he knows the importance of working hard to get ahead in life. He has always taken ownership of his life, and even today, he still does. He fully pays his way in life. George has worked for all he has gotten and achieved in life, as did Anne. They never gave up in business and in life, even when it was very tough. George now lives in what he calls ‘genteel poverty’. He has the financial resources to enjoy the lifestyle he wants for the rest of his life.

5.  Skilful Excellence
George and Anne were business owners at various times in their working life, and they always aimed to be the very best they could be. George has always been a lover of lifetime learning, and continues to be widely read and knowledgeable about the world around him. He loves politics and to this day, has lots of opinions on the topic. George has always embraced the changing world in which he lives, and while at times he hasn’t always understood it, he has gone with the times, and therefore, remains alert, relevant, in touch and engaging.

6.  Sincere Relationships
People have always been important in George’s world. He adores extended family, including my own. Even to my mother’s dying days, George was in regular contact with her, as they loved and respected each other, and had a wonderful relationship notwithstanding the distances (he in Scotland and she in New Zealand).

George loves to recount early and lifelong friendships with the many people he has met around the world as a result of both living overseas and travelling widely. George loves nothing more than stopping and chatting to people in the street, at a party or tea dance, and getting them talking. As a widower travelling alone, George often preferred to stay in hostels rather than hotels, as that meant he could meet loads of new people, often young people, something he has always enjoyed. Even now he continues to take an active interest in the young people in his life, and my family in particular.

Given his age, sadly many of George’s friends are no longer with us; they have passed on, but George still recounts wonderful times with those people, taking the beauty and sadness of life in his stride.

7.  Self Expression
Self expression in life is critical to one’s wellbeing, and what that means is different for everyone. Self expression can be creative; it can be sporting; it can be verbal; it can be in writing. It is whatever a person needs to feel whole; to feel alive. George is a beacon of light and joy in this regard. He holds an engaged audience when talking; he travels the world; he has played sport; he has done most if not all the things that he wants to in his life. He got his 100 year birthday card from the Queen last year too. George is a contented man with a life of memories lovingly stored in his mind and soul.


So that’s a quick summary of what a long and happy life; a successful life; a magical happening life, is – according to George and in relation to my Mega/High Performance Coaching Framework.

My hat’s off to George, achieving a remarkable 101 years of age. Happy birthday dearest George, and I hope there are many more to come.


Could some guidance from me be helpful to you?  If so, please arrange a free 30 mins Skype strategy meeting with me.  Here’s my calendar to book a meeting.  I’d love to support you in some way to gain ‘seductive clarity’ in any aspect of your business or life.


Other Inspirational Success Stories

Let’s Change Our World!
‘Luck of the Irish’ – Do You Have Have It?
Life & Success: What’s It All About?
Meet George

10 Commandments of Good Relations

Here’s another quote I found over 30 years ago, that has recently resurfaced.  What do you think of it – the 10 Commandments of Good Relations.  Sadly, the author remains unknown.


10 commandments of good relations



A Short Course in Human Relations

I first found this quote almost 30 years ago… forgot about it, and recently found it again.  It was relevant then and still is now, in my opinion.  What are your thoughts on A Short Course in Human Relations?  Would you add anything to it?

A short course in human relations

Success Breeds Success – Tip #1

Success breeds Success Tip #1: Carpe Diem… and DREAM™

Continuing with my “Success Breeds Success” blog series, remember there are 7 Obsessions that Super Successful People have, whether they are super successful in business, sport or life.  They are:

  1. Sense of Purpose
  2. Self Belief
  3. Serving Others
  4. Supreme Excellence
  5. Self Discipline
  6. Sacrosanct Priorities (there are 5 of them)
  7. Self Improvement

The first of the 7 Obsessions to consider is Sense of Purpose.

All over the world, many people have a dream, a deep feeling that they are meant to make a difference somewhere and to someone, whether that be at a macro level (around the world) or more modestly, at the micro level – closer to home base.  That dream represents our desires for our life.

But what happens to the dream?  Life gets full.  Often the dream gets forgotten in the busy-ness of everyday life.  And with that, often those dreams are not achieved.  They are shelved for another time.

So what does having a ‘sense of purpose’ actually means?  Sense of purpose means having complete clarity of and ownership towards what it is we want to be and have in life.  It is about having such a strong emotional connection to our sense of purpose that we can’t let it go.  It is being unafraid to envision what our life might look like; what we might achieve in it; who we might serve; how wealthy we might be; our level of health, wellbeing and fitness; our community connections and more.  It is about having a yearning so strong that it is personally captivating and distracting – that we can’t think of anything else but to realise that sense of purpose.  In action a sense of purpose is about having a laser like focus on achieving the vision for life.

It is about having a DREAM™DREAM™ for me means: our Destiny Represented Evocatively, Actively and Magnetically™.  TO DREAM™ is to visualise what we want out of life – personally and professionally, regardless of how silly and grandiose those thoughts and ideas might feel in the moment.

The world is filled with very successful people.  Think about those whom you know or know of. It didn’t just happen that they were successful; they created their DREAM™, and notwithstanding the challenges, uncertainties and failures, they went for it; they became laser focused and created massive action, massive momentum towards the achievement of their DREAM™.

Robert Schuller said, “If it is going to be, it is up to me”.  In the first instance, it is our personal responsibility to decide what it is we want in life.  It is our responsibility to create the DREAM™ that matters to us.  Later, it takes a community and collaboration to make the DREAM™ a reality.

Our DREAM™ only becomes our reality if we have total emotional connection to it; if we understand WHY we want to achieve it.  Will we move heaven and earth to achieve our DREAM?  Will we keep going when the going gets tough?  Will we stand up again when we fall?  Will we push through the hard times, the failures, knowing that in doing so, we are a step closer to achieving our DREAM™?

What’s your DREAM™?  Do you have one?  If you haven’t, take time out to DREAM™.  Imagine something BIG, an insanely big one.  Achieving your DREAM™ is not your focus yet.  Just create it.  Are you delirious with excitement about it?  If not, I can almost guarantee that you won’t achieve it.  I like to use these headings when creating and updating my DREAM™.  Perhaps they are helpful for you too.

  • Business/Career
  • Personal Financial Freedom
  • Health, Fitness, Wellbeing
  • Relationships – love, family and friends
  • Spirituality – whatever that means for you
  • Community – contributing to others
  • Recreation and ‘Reckless Abandon’ – the things you want to have and do.

Carpe Diem and DREAM™... dream big and beautiful.  Make your DREAM™ matter to you.  Have fun and laughter.  Be joyful and excited. Be brave and grateful.  The work on achieving your DREAM™ starts tomorrow.

Success Breeds Success! Focus on achieving your own success and along the way, pay it forward and help someone else create and achieve their DREAM™.  Doesn’t that sound like a wonderful thing to do?


Would you like to be part of my success community?  Each week I interview successful people and ‘subject matter experts’ on topics related to success. Join us and be inspired towards achieving your own successful life.  Here’s the link to join us.  I look forward to welcoming you to my community of people who are creating success in their lives – as they define it!


Could some guidance from me be helpful to you?  If so, please arrange a free 30 mins Skype strategy meeting with me.  Here’s my calendar to book a meeting.  I’d love to support you in some way to gain ‘seductive clarity’ in any aspect of your business or life.


Other articles on What Creates Success in Business and Life:

Success Breeds Success!
Success Secrets of Successful People
Adèle in a Nutshell – ‘To Give is to Live’
Reflect, Smile and Smell the Christmas Lilies!
The Beauty of the Last Hours in Life
What’s Stopping You?  FEAR?
Savour the Journey
What’s all this Gratitude ‘stuff’?
The 7 Traits of High Achievers
What’s Your Excuse? No Arms? No Legs?

Success Breeds Success!

Does success breed success? That is a question that many have tried to answer for time immemorial. There many psychology articles that will argue both ways… I’ll leave it to you to hunt them out and contemplate some of the arguments.

I believe if we teach someone how to be successful, hopefully they will become successful and, in a ‘pay it back’ or ‘pay it forward’ kind of way, will teach others to become successful. Therefore with my definition, there is merit in the argument that Success Breeds Success.

As a Mega Performance Coach for Entrepreneurs, my goal is to help entrepreneurs to achieve the success they are seeking in their business and life. In doing that, I hope that they will become successful and in turn will help others to succeed, therefore creating a better world, a nicer, kinder world in which everyone who has the drive to success, whether they be a child or a grandparent, gets the opportunity to succeed as they define it.

What creates success in the first instance? I have studied successful people for almost 30 years and as a result have come to the conclusion that there are 7 Obsessions that Super Successful People have, whether that super success is in business, sport or life. Briefly, they are:

1.   Sense of Purpose
Successful people have a big dream. They have a clear vision and direction in which they want the whole of their life to go, and they focus on achieving it.

2.   Self Belief
Successful people have unwavering self belief, even when life is difficult. Success is not a straight road. It is filled with twists and turns, ups and downs, successes and failures. Successful people remain resolute throughout the journey, as with each step, they are getting closer to realising their sense of purpose, their dream.

3.   Serve Others
Successful people believe that it is important to focus on serving others – in their professional and personal lives. As Eleanor Roosevelt said: “If you cease to make a contribution you begin to die”. I like to say, “To Give Is To Live”. Successful people understand that they can only be successful by serving others.

4.   Supreme Excellence
Successful people strive to achieve excellence in all that they do. They focus on self mastery. They persist. They practise their developing skills. There are many who believe that we only achieve excellence and mastery with +10,000 hours of practise in our desired area of pursuit. Successful people accept they have to work hard on achieving supreme excellence. As well, they always expect the best, and in expecting it, that outcome is achieved in all that they do and all that they are in life.

5.   Self-Disciplined
Successful people are incredibly self-disciplined and determined. They have the stamina to go the distance. They also recognise that failure is part of the journey, and is a gift, a learning experience on the path to mastery and success.

6.   Sacrosanct Priorities
Successful people have sacrosanct priorities in their life. There are 5 of these.
a.  Phenomenal time management – they recognise the value of time.
b.  Intense focus on their health and wellbeing, as they need a strong body and good health to carry them along.
c.  Relationships are key – their life partner, their children and wider family, friends and business associates.
d.  Community connection – giving to the communities of which they are a part.
e.  Exuding a ‘zest for life’ – joy; love; happiness.

7.   Self Improvement
Successful people recognise that life is about ongoing learning. They seek wisdom. They reflect. They develop a spiritual connection. The only way in which they will achieve Supreme Excellence is if they constantly focus on self improvement, learning and mastery.

So, how about going on the journey of Success Breeds Success? Achieve your own success in life and pay it forward. Help someone else to achieve success too. Wouldn’t that feel great!?!


This is the first in a series of articles on the topic of Success Breeds Success. Check out the others as I write them in my weekly blog.

Would you like to be part of my success community? Each week I interview successful people, and ‘subject matter experts’ on topics related to success. Join us and be inspired towards achieving your own successful life. Here’s the link to join us. I look forward to welcoming you to my community of people who are creating success in their lives – as they define it!


Could some guidance from me be helpful to you?  If so, please arrange a free 30 mins Skype strategy meeting with me.  Here’s my calendar to book a meeting.  I’d love to support you in some way to gain ‘seductive clarity’ in any aspect of your business or life.


Other articles on What Creates Success in Business and Life:

Success Breeds Success – Tip #1
Success Secrets of Successful People
Adèle in a Nutshell – ‘To Give is to Live’
Reflect, Smile and Smell the Christmas Lilies!
The Beauty of the Last Hours in Life
What’s Stopping You?  FEAR?
Savour the Journey
What’s all this Gratitude ‘stuff’?
The 7 Traits of High Achievers
What’s Your Excuse? No Arms? No Legs?