Adèle’s Blog

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What will you achieve in business this year?

I love this time of year…..there’s an atmosphere of renewed energy, excitement and hope about what we’ll achieve in business and in our lives.

We feel unstoppable… invincible, even.

Bring on 2016, we say.

BUT…. Are we really going to achieve all that we want to in 2016?

In my experience, many businesses fail to achieve the extraordinary or even get remotely close to achieving any goals at all. Why?

Because they don’t know exactly where they’re going and how they’re going to get there.

So many business owners and entrepreneurs live from day to day or week to week in their businesses. Sadly, that’s why so many fail or constantly struggle.

Take a look at your business in 2016. Have you thought about the following?

Purpose: What are you doing for your clients and why?

Vision: What’s your longer term view of what you will achieve in your business?

Values: What values are important in your business?

Unique Value Proposition: How will you stand out from the crowd in your market? What’s your point of difference?

Market Niche: What market do you want to focus on? Dominate, even?

Company Promise: What’s your business’s promise to your customers? (NOTE: Please don’t say ‘excellent customer service’ as that’s a given for all businesses).

Strategy: What are your long-term and medium-term strategies in the areas of Marketing, Branding (company and personal), Sales, Financials, People/Team, Operations/Systems?

Key Actions: What needs to be done and when to achieve your long and medium term strategies for 2016?

Key Performance Indicators: How will you measure your performance and potential success? What KPIs (financial and other) should you be measuring in your business this year, and why?


Great work if you’ve started the year off with a hiss and a roar and have all the above written in a simple, useable and easy to read document.

Remember to review it each week and month end to ensure you are on track.

If you’re a bit stuck and not sure what to do to plan your business according to the items above, check out my great friend, Deri Llewellyn-Davies’ FREE e-book called Strategy on a Page.

Here’s your personal link to Strategy on a Page.

The world of business is changing so fast that it’s easy to get seduced by the ‘next shiny thing’ that comes along. While we all need to be nimble and evolve our business and the way in which we do business, we must still have a plan in place that directs us NOW. That’s what the items above do for you and your business. They give you goals to aim for with frameworks (strategies), tools and actions to support you in doing the work.

Yes, we may need to change our plan as time moves on… but if we don’t have a plan to start with… we’re doomed….and our business is driving us rather than us driving our business. I know which I’d prefer.

Make 2016 a big hitting year for you and your business. I’m certainly doing that in mine. But it all started with the planning. Let’s compare notes in December 2016.

ACTION: I’d love to know what ONE thing will be a game changer in your business in 2016. I’d be delighted if you left a comment below.


Would some guidance from me be helpful to you? If so, please arrange a free 30 mins Skype strategy meeting with me. Here’s my calendar to make an appointment. I’d love to support you in some way to gain ‘seductive clarity’ in any aspect of your business or life.

