About Adèle McLay

A dream. A belief. An action. That is all it takes to create the life you want.
– Adèle McLay
What does success mean to you in business and life?
The word ‘success’ means something different to each of us. For you success might mean becoming your own boss, having a bigger and/or more successful business, more money, and/or spending more time with loved ones.
For me, success is the freedom to create a life that’s so bursting with happiness, achievement, people, growth, experiences and energy that it positively sizzles. Small business ownership and entrepreneurship is the way I create my business success; it’s a huge part of my life and is REALLY important to me.
It’s my purpose, my passion to help you bring that feeling, success and achievement to your life too – by inspiring and guiding you to achieve the success you want in your business and life. Let me help you find your own definition of success and then make it a full, technicolour reality.

So where did I find my sizzle?
It started in my native New Zealand, where I built a short but successful career in accountancy (yep – I’m a Chartered Accountant by qualification) and investment banking. Things were going well but I felt like there was more for me….
Going solo for the first time was scary but I loved the freedom of being able to create my own future. I was beginning to sizzle…. Supported by a big team of fantastic staff, I created my first multi-million dollar business.
There were many business highs and lows, wins and losses (that goes with the territory – business is hard), but I thrived on the challenges of entrepreneurship.
I also built my own ‘Adèle McLay’ brand during that time… it was the first time I recognised the importance of personal branding in business and life.

When I became a mother in 2002, for a while I had a ‘portfolio career’. That allowed me to continue consulting / coaching, whilst enjoying more precious time with our young daughter. During that time, I had some deeply personal challenges I had to overcome too – I share those during my keynote and motivational speaking work.
It hasn’t been easy – but what is! I work REALLY hard and long hours – every week – business owners do that. Why? Because we believe in the beauty of our dreams and we want those dreams to become our reality.
Today I have a number of multi-million dollar businesses I own and/or invest in. Since turning 50 years in 2013, I feel renewed….. full of new ideas and energy to make the next 50 years more exciting and impactful than the last ones.
My personal business interests are now focused on the following sectors: multi-media, food technology and products, digital education and learning, digital social media, residential property.
Plus, as a consultant/mentor/strategist in business and life, I endeavour to inspire others to achieve all that they wish in their businesses and lives.
I work one on one with people who are determined to achieve the success they desire in their lives. To learn more about my one on one coaching, please click this link.
I believe that learning from others, and sharing knowledge is an essential part of achieving success as an entrepreneur. That’s why I set up the Small Business Huge Success community.
Small Business Huge Success gives entrepreneurs and small business owners access to expert guidance in everything from business strategy to marketing and social media. Our business experts are leaders in their respective fields and are committed to guiding you towards your own greatness.
Together we help ordinary people achieve extraordinary things. Please click here to learn more about Small Business Huge Success.
Today I’m sizzling more than ever. I love my family time, my personal interests (dancing, fitness, theatre, baking, and much more….) and my work as an entrepreneur, investor, business / life coach, keynote & motivational speaker, and author. I fill my life with things that make me truly happy.
Please join my community to receive free guidance and support through weekly blogs, podcasts, videos and invite-only webinars. However you define success, let’s take that first step towards achieving it!
If you’d like to read a more chronological account of my experience and background, my LinkedIn profile is the best place to go. Please click here to learn all about me via LinkedIn.
There’s more to life than just business
Baking cakes…
I love life, and despite managing a full business and professional schedule, I try really hard to create time for family and friends, lifetime learning, keeping fit, ballroom and Latin American dancing, the arts, reading, worldwide travel (my great love)… oh… and baking cakes, making chocolates, and cooking other delectable goodies in the kitchen!
Why cooking, baking cakes and making chocolates? Well, for me, being in the kitchen is a creative pursuit and provides time out from the busyness of life. Plus I love family oriented dinner parties… there’s nothing more satisfying than having friends and their children over for a meal … fun and frivolity (and at times mayhem) at the dinner table while scrummy food is devoured in a flash. In the good old Kiwi (New Zealand) tradition, one cant go wrong with a BBQ….. and cake (or a delectable dessert)…. and homemade chocolates. Bon appetite!

What do you do to take time away from your small business? How do you re-energise?
I hope that my love of baking cakes and other delectable goodies acts as a metaphor for you… representing taking time out to do the things you love to do, either alone or with your family and friends.
10 things you wont know about me
- When I was at school I was terrified of public speaking and debating, so I never ever participated in such events. Plus, I was also terrified of reading aloud in English class, so I would read the book at home first, just in case the teacher called me out to stand and read aloud. Its funny how life is, as I now get great joy in standing on stage teaching entrepreneurs about how to achieve greater success in their businesses.
- When I was a young professional a banker in New Zealand, I had a part-time job in a gym where I instructed aerobics and circuit training classes. Various members of New Zealands top netball and Rugby Sevens teams came to my classes for an extra work-out each week. They were my groupies.
- When I turned 30, I organised a huge party called Club 30 for my family, friends and business associates. It was such a big and successful party, it even got a mention and a photo in the local newspaper.
- I loathe rollercoasters at fun fairs. I am terrified of them, yet from time to time, have to go on them with my daughter. Why am I terrified? I think it is because I am a bit of a control freak, and being on a rollercoaster means totally submitting to the unknown…. and not being able to do anything about it.
- My favourite city in the world is London. I have travelled to many wonderful cities and towns across the world, but London continues to be my favourite. Even after living here for over 8 years I still marvel at its beauty and history. If you havent been, you must visit; it is magical.
- The scariest moment in my life to date was the day I gave birth on 13 Feb 2002. There were some serious complications with the birth, which we knew of beforehand, and the specialist doctors had told us that there was a risk I could bleed to death during or after the birth. Thankfully everything went to plan, and I awoke (I had a c-section under general anaesthetic) to welcome the most beautiful baby girl into our lives.
- I am a ballroom and Latin American dancer, and to date have completed the Gold Star and Gold examinations in the Imperial Society of Dance Teachers examinations. I adore dancing. When I was young, Latin American dancing was my favourite, but as I have gotten older, I have found the beauty and elegance of ballroom dancing to be more alluring.
- David (my husband) and I have a common goal of visiting every country in the world. We are doing well, but need to get a move on as there as still many to visit. Travelling and connecting with other cultures is one of our many shared loves in life.
- I am a cry baby. While in business many would say I am quite tough, nothing brings me to tears more quickly than a sad or happy movie or the emotions of others; the sheer beauty, joy and at times sadness, of life; and the delight I get from being a mother and wife, and the wonderful moments we cherish in our family world.
- I can sew. From a very young age, I began sewing on a very old Singer sewing machine (which I still have, albeit in storage in New Zealand) and for many years, I made all of my own clothes. I even learned tailoring at night school. I used to make all my own ball dresses, hats, suits and more. Sadly, time has moved on and I dont do that anymore, but soon I will start making my own hats again.
So that is a little about me. I’m a proud Kiwi (New Zealander) living in London, passionate about supporting extraordinary entrepreneurial endeavour and success around the world…. I’m out there helping business owners to achieve their own success – as they define it, while pursuing my own.
Finally, here are some New Zealand symbols that are precious to me. The beautiful silver fern tree starts out as a tiny Koru, and over time grows into the most magnificent tree, with stunning foliage. For me these images represent life and success – small beginnings leading to extraordinary and glorious success, as we each define it. Enjoy.