Adele’s Business + Life Videos

Small Business Huge Success

What is Business Excellence? – That is a question often asked. Theres no one correct answer.
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What is Business Excellence? – That is a question often asked. Theres no one correct answer.
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What is Business Excellence? – That is a question often asked. Theres no one correct answer.
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Personal Branding Stand Out in Biz + Life

Many of us know what branding means when it comes to company or business branding. But what about personal branding?
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Passion is one of the 7 +1 Ps of Personal Branding and comprises three elements: Purpose, Vision, Values. While this bit might seem soft, unless we are really clear on why we do what we do, and are passionate about it, we will never be successful as a brand.
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Positioning is one of the 7 +1 Ps of Personal Branding. We cannot be everything to everyone. We must niche. Whats yours?
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#BookReviewbyAdèleMcLay I LOVE books
I LOVED this book! If you want to network with billionaires, executives and celebrities to grow your business and to share your message, then Christopher Kai and this book shows you the way. There was much food for thought for me in this little and very easy to read book . I am currently implementing many of the strategies he recommends.
If youd like to learn more about the Business Networking Online Summit hosted by Adèle McLay, as mentioned in this video, and where she met Christopher, please click here.
To Buy Christophers book:
If you want to stand out and get noticed in business and life, you must INTRIGUE your audience. This book shows you the right way to get attention. Sam Horn is a legendary teacher in positioning, presenting, messaging and branding. This book is not to be missed.
If youd like to learn more about the Business Networking Online Summit hosted by Adèle McLay, as mentioned in this video, and where she met Sam, please click here.
To Buy Sams book:
This little story book The Go-Giver has become iconic. Its a must read if you want to grow your business and influence, amplify the quality of your life, and achieve your dreams.
If youd like to learn more about the Business Networking Online Summit hosted by Adèle McLay, as mentioned in this video, and where she met Bob, please click here.
To Buy Bob’s book: