Adèle’s Blog

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3 Tips on Personal Branding – What Is It & Why YOU Need It

Many of us know what branding means when it comes to company or business branding.

But what about personal branding?

“What’s that?” you might ask. You might also say, “personal branding is for the ‘big wigs’ of business – people like Bill Gates, Oprah, Jamie Oliver”. Or you might think that personal branding is for celebrities and sports stars.

You’d be right in thinking all that, but in business and entrepreneurship, as scary or as challenging as it might seem, we must embrace the idea of being a personal brand ourselves.

That doesn’t mean we need to aim for global domination or celebrity status. To the contrary! Personal branding is about YOU – and connecting you to the niche market you want to attract.

People buy from people, so personal branding is about you being you – your style, your signature image or look, your unique voice, your story, your experience and knowledge….packaged together in a consistent and recognisable way on a range of marketing platforms so that you get noticed.

Over time some people will come to know, like and trust you. Eventually they may buy from you too, and/or refer you to others. Remember, you and your personal brand won’t be liked by everyone. Be yourself and there will be loads of others who do like and want to follow you.

So, whether you’re a consultant, freelancer, entrepreneur, business owner, company executive, get focused on your personal brand. Here are 3 tips on how to get your personal brand underway.


Tip 1: Be clear of and passionate about your business expertise
What do you want to be known for? And why? Niche yourself. Make sure you’re really passionate too, otherwise no-one will want to work with you as they’ll feel your lack of authenticity and enthusiasm. The narrower your niche, the more easily you’ll be found.


Tip 2: Get your marketing platforms nailed
There are so many ways to be ‘seen’ – both online and offline. Very importantly, you need to do both. Decide on where you’ll spend your efforts. Here are some of the many options:

  • LinkedIn – a fully optimised profile is NOT NEGOTIABLE if you want to be ‘seen’ within the world’s largest business social marketing and sales platform
  • SEO/Keywords – a must for Google searches
  • Networking – always a must so long as you ‘do’ networking properly
  • Blogging – great for many business people
  • Webinars, podcasts etc – they’re all the rage at present
  • You Tube – videoing is the way of the future and a great way to ‘teach’ your content
  • Social media – in all its varieties – pick the platforms you like the most (Twitter? Business Facebook? Instagram? Pinterest, Periscope? etc etc)
  • Public speaking – get on the stage if it suits you and your expertise
  • Write books, e-books, white papers

… and so it goes on.

A word of warning… don’t try and appear on all platforms, otherwise you’ll never get any work done. Select those most appropriate to your industry or niche and those which you feel most comfortable with.


Tip 3: Know why you want to be ‘seen’
Fame for fame’s sake is a waste of time and money. Why do you want to get ‘seen’? Is it to draw customers to your business – to your sales funnel? Is it to get opportunities to be a keynote speaker?

Is it to get a book ‘deal’ with a major publishing house? Is it to get a promotion or a new job if you are in employment?

Your decision as to why you want to be found will help you decide how you take your audience – your niche market – on a journey with you, so that can demonstrate your expertise and authority in your subject area time and time again.

What happens when you’ve been found by someone in your target audience? How do you nurture and build a relationship with them? What is your communications strategy and products and services journey with them? These questions determine your business model for your personal brand. Creating a systemised and automated (at least in part) business model will support you to achieve your key goal in why you want to be seen.


Well that’s it for now. Personal branding is one of my favourite topics in business for entrepreneurs, business owners, company executives… watch out for more blogs on this fantastic and very important 21st century business topic.

In the meantime, get your personal brand underway….overtime, you’ll reap the rewards of doing so.

ACTION: What are your thoughts on personal branding in business? I’d love to know more about your own personal branding story or journey. How about sharing in the comments what you’re doing to grow and develop your personal brand?


Could some guidance from me be helpful to you?  If so, please arrange a free 30 mins Skype strategy meeting with me.  Here’s my calendar to book a meeting.  I’d love to support you in some way to gain ‘seductive clarity’ in any aspect of your business or life.

