
Picture your business being extraordinarily successful – as you define it.
And a life that’s so full of energy, love, adventure and laughter that it sizzles.
Sound good? Now let’s work on making it your reality….

Adèle McLay…
Business Keynote & Motivational Speaker
Business Growth Strategist /Adviser
Personal Branding Expert
Entrepreneur, Investor, Author.
As seen…

Moving from ‘simmer’ to ‘sizzle’
Let’s be real for a moment – business can be tough!
Sometimes we struggle – cash flow challenges, business growth issues, team and/or management problems, the pace of change…
and we stall in our businesses. Often we don’t know what to do next.
Sometimes we settle for what we’ve got rather than pushing through the tough times towards achieving our big vision.
At that time business and life can be comfortable, manageable, or……. fine!
But is ‘fine’ really enough?
I call it ‘living in the simmer zone’. Things are OK but you’re missing that electricity, that buzz of energy and enthusiasm, that ‘sizzle’ –
that feeling of being alive, passionate and extraordinary – as you define it in business and life.
That sizzle and excitement of achieving your vision – of achieving extraordinary, sustainable profitable growth in your business.
What if I said you could?
My passion is for helping business people – entrepreneurs / small business owners, and executives –
achieve their own version of extraordinary success in business (and life) – their own sizzle!.
I’m committed to helping you find that clarity around your purpose, values and strategy.
I’ll support your dream and hold you to account as you work towards achieving, ensuring you take the necessary
business growth steps along the way.
Let’s get you, your business and your life sizzling, now!
Work with me
I’d love to hear from you. I’m a one on one business/executive coach/mentor and business consultant
where I focus helping you and your business perform at the highest level.
I guide businesses owners & entrepreneurs to achieve extraordinary, sustainable & profitable business growth and success.
I’m also a Personal Branding Strategist, helping you (the person) to stand head and shoulders above your competitors in your market.
I get results with you! Big ones! Fast! Together well develop high growth strategies that drive profitable business growth.
I work with visionary, adventurous, persistent & courageous business owners and entrepreneurs
(start-ups, scale-ups and established medium sized businesses)
who want sizzling success in their businesses/lives and are prepared to do the work to achieve their vision.
Business areas I work in are:
Leadership, Business Strategy and Execution, Marketing, Sales, Finance, Team Management,
Change Management, Business Networking and Personal Branding
– the full gamut of business.
One on One
Keynote, Business, & Motivational

When you move from simmer into sizzle, every area of your life ignites
Perhaps you secretly dream of becoming an entrepreneur, or taking your business to the next level of growth.
Maybe you’d like to have more time for your family, or exploring new interests…
What does alive, passionate and extraordinary in business and life mean for you?
Let’s make it your reality!
About Adèle McLay
Chartered Accountant, Business Consultant and Business Growth Coach/Adviser, Entrepreneur and Investor for +25 Years
Hello, Im Adèle McLay and I have been a successful Business Growth Consultant/Strategist/Coach to businesses big and small for over 25 years. And yes, I’m a Chartered Accountant too (FCA – Chartered Accountants, New Zealand & Australia).
I am also a successful entrepreneur and investor, owning several multi-million dollar businesses.
Business Keynote & Motivational Speaker
I have given presentations, business keynote and motivational speeches to large and small audiences for +25 years. I enjoy nothing more than being able to inspire audiences to take more control of their businesses and lives, and to achieve greater success – as they define it. I’m told my speeches ‘pull at one’s heart’. I share my own deeply personal journey in business and life, which invites my audiences to think deeply about their own lives. Please click here for more information on my Business Keynote & Motivational Speaking.
Alive, Passionate and Extraordinary – As You Define It.
I am relentless in guiding my clients towards achieving the extraordinary sustainable profitable growth and success they are seeking in their business and, equally importantly, to live the life of their dreams.
I’m known as an Inspirator, Agitator, Motivator to my clients, as I inspire them with my knowledge, expertise and learning frameworks; agitate them with a loving heart to quickly adopt changes in their businesses to create more profitable success; and I motivate them to achieve all that they are seeking by holding themselves and their teams accountable to delivering the results.
Acclaimed Author
I have written two books: BIG Profits 12 Strategies to Substantially Grow YOUR Business Profits and BRANDED YOU – How To Stand Out In Business and Achieve Greater Profitability and Success.
A New Zealander Living in London
I’m originally from New Zealand (yep, I’m a proud Kiwi), and lived in London (my favourite city in the world) since 2006 with my family – David, Gemma and Alex (my adult stepson).
Baking and Cooking… It Soothes My Soul
When I need a break from the busy-ness of life and business, you can see me in the kitchen, getting my fix of baking and cooking. For me, nothing beats whipping up a cake, cookies or a dessert to share with family and friends, or creating fabulous healthy food to nurture my soul.
… and Chocolates Too…
Who can live without chocolates? Only the best will do! I’m an amateur chocolate maker. These are my current favourites – Apricot and Grand Marnier Truffles – that I give to clients and other wonderful people who enter my world. Yum!
Occasionally I Do Crazy Things…
… like training for 10 weeks to compete in a white collar boxing match. I accomplished this personal goal in December 2016. Check out my Instagram account (@AdeleMcLay) to see what happened – you’ll see plenty of bruises. 🙂
…and Training to Compete in a Natural Bodybuilding Competition
Call me mad, but it’s a dream I’ve had for over 20 years…. to seriously train and transform my body to stand on a stage in a skimpy bikini with a gloriously shaped and muscled body and compete in a natural bodybuilding competition. So the journey has begun (Jan 2017). Watch my Instagram (@AdeleMcLay) for updates.
Stay in contact with me
I adore the digital age we live in and how phenomenal connections can be made through social media.
I’d be thrilled if you connected with me on any/all of my social platforms.

Success (as you define it) comes from having a dream – a vision; believing in that vision and then getting on with achieving it – that means doing the work!
– Adèle Mclay
My latest

13 Ways to Market YOU and Your Business
That personal branding stuff is for the big wigs of business, celebs or sports stars, right?!
Not anymore. 🙂 🙁